On Monday 3rd October 2016 one of my manifestations, I had been dreaming of for three years finally happened. I was extremely grateful to be asked to go on This Morning with Holly & Phillip to present a money-saving slot.
Since becoming a couponer / money expert three years ago, I have always been asked what is the dream? I never really expected any of my money-saving work to take off, but one thing was certain that I wanted to appear on This Morning. The reason why I’m sharing this experience with you all is because so many of you commented about how this must have been the law of attraction and you we’re all right! I don’t believe I shared this dream on my Youtube videos but since the beginning, I knew this was the one show I wanted to share my work on. I know this is the law of attraction in full swing because of a few reasons, one being it’s nearly happened twice before and the other being how it happened. So let me explain a little about how this came about.
In 2014 I had a manager representing me, the lady knew I wanted to go on This Morning so contacted them directly and pitched my work. We didn’t hear a response regarding money-saving, they actually wanted me to appear on the show with The Speakmans about my anxiety. At this point my confidence was low and my anxiety was high so I know I mentally wouldn’t have been ready for this. Although it may have helped people with anxiety it’s not what I wanted to be known for or hold as my proud moment. The next opportunity came a year later when I was working with another PR manager, this time it was for money-saving but it was with Eamon & Ruth, now while I have nothing against these two, I did want to meet Holly & Phillip. This Morning organised the travel and I had come up with back to school offers ready for my appearance. I wasn’t confident with these back to school offers I had found, just because they wanted so many and there honestly just wan’t enough offers around at the time. Then a few days before out of nowhere it was cancelled due to reasons beyond both of our controls. At this point I was gutted I had nearly been on twice and it just wasn’t happening. This time last year I didn’t know anything about the law of attraction or how it would transform my life. A whole year passed and I heard nothing from This Morning.

On the 22nd September this year, I was incredibly privileged to go on BBC Radio 2 with Jeremy Vine to talk about the book ‘The Million Dollar Blog‘ which I feature in. Before the interview Natasha the author had advised me to bring a notebook to write down a response in case Jeremy asked the question we knew he would ‘how much do you earn?’. It’s very lucky I did because as expected he did! Anyway, reading through this notebook beforehand it suddenly dawned on me what this notebook was. It was a pretty Ted Baker one I had bought a few years back, there were only two pages of notes and this is what shocked me. I had dedicated this notebook to all my life goals and dreams, I wrote this at the end of 2014. Bearing in mind I knew nothing about the law of attraction all those years ago, it shocked me I had been manifesting without realising! My friend and I were reading this list in shock as all but three things had happened…one of them being at the top ‘Appear on This Morning’. I was so happy I had felt drawn to finding this notebook and that I could tick off all these incredible achievements. This Morning was on my mind again. I told a few of my friends about this discovery who do the law of attraction and they all said ‘It’s going to happen’. I didn’t put any more thought into this list after that day as I knew it would manifest quicker. I also didn’t even think abut manifesting This Morning, I just held the thought that one day it will happen. Six days later I was sat in my office with my friend having a coffee and a catch-up when I decided to check my emails. I think my face said it all, I started jumping for joy as the email I had been waiting for had finally come! This Morning contacted myself directly as I don’t actually have any representation anymore, I much prefer dealing with these things myself. It was the perfect opportunity presenting a money-saving slot and appearing as the ‘expert’. I called them immediately to accept and find out the details, the presenters would be Holly & Phillip and I would be delivering my expertise to the nation. This was it the perfect time, perfect presenters, perfect opportunity and it really dawned on me why the other times hadn’t happened. I wasn’t ready and with my anxiety, I knew I wouldn’t have been on top form. This time, it felt so right and I knew it was happening. I kept it quiet from most people until the day as I wanted it to be confirmed first. My parents were so proud and supportive, they even came up to London with me to cheer me on.
The weekend came and just my luck I had a stinking cold I kept coughing and I kept thinking I can’t go on ill! So I pulled out all the stops and got some Manuka Honey, Echinacea tablets and herbal cough syrup as positive as I was trying to be this cold was not shifting! Monday arrived quickly and I woke up full of a cold and I was gutted, as long as I didn’t go into a coughing fit on air I didn’t care if I sounded ill my dream was finally happening! The This Morning team were amazing they organised a hotel for us and transport to the studio’s. When we arrived it felt amazing and everyone was so lovely and welcoming. I had my hair and make-up done then it was time to speak with the producers. All morning I kept coughing it was not going away, I was constantly visualising myself being healthy and the interview going well and effortlessly. It was time…Holly & Phillip were just as lovely in person, I couldn’t get over how stunning Holly was. The six minutes I was on flew past and it was almost like a flick had switched and I went into my money-saving mode. Even now I don’t know where those words came from, I didn’t cough I sounded healthy even though minutes before I had been drinking ridiculous amounts of water to stop coughing. I had so much fun and it was a great first live TV experience. I’ve always done pre-recorded before but I do honestly prefer live TV. The floor manager and producers were so thrilled by my interview and I was so proud of how far I’ve come and how healthy I sounded! When I returned to the Green Room I was inundated with positive feedback and well wishes from friends, family even my Landlord! So many people had seen it and said how professional I was and how effortless it came across as if I’d done it a million times before. I loaded up Instagram and so many of you were commenting ‘This is so the law of attraction congratulations!’. This was the first time I think in that week it had hit me, what I had just done and what a massive opportunity it was. I had wanted this for three years and it happened just like I’d asked and under the best circumstances. It really does prove that the law of attraction really does work and that it will always be delivered at the right time and under the best circumstances even if you didn’t expect it to happen like you envisioned. I will be covering this more on my Youtube channel in my next Law of Attraction video and all of the manifestation successes I’ve had. Who knew I was doing the law of attraction without even realising! I am so incredibly humbled and grateful for all the incredible feedback and support you have all given me on my appearance, it really couldn’t have gone better and watch this space because you might see me on there again soon…
Watch the full interview here!