Wow Queens can you believe this is my last blog post of 2023 already?! I feel like I’ve blinked and the year has passed us by but what a year it’s been. First of all, Merry Christmas Queens I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas week and so much love, joy and magic happens for you and your loved ones this Christmas. I also want to thank each and every one of you for your love, support and messages this year – it’s been another year of incredible highs and achievements and I couldn’t have done any of this without you here cheering me on. A big thank you to everyone in my courses, 1:1 coaching and membership too this year you’ve all done so incredibly well and manifested HUGE things that I’m so proud of you for – so well done and I’m grateful I could walk this path with you as your guide this year.

So with New Year approaching fast I felt like it was the perfect time to share with you 11 powerful manifestation tools you can do this New Year to supercharge your desires in 2023. Now don’t panic you don’t have to do all 11 for this to work but choose one or a few of these practices that sound fun and give them a go!

Join my FREE 5-Day Manifesting Challenge – No this isn’t a shameless plug, joining a New Year Manifesting challenge like mine will help you get focused, bring clarity and gets you trying fun exercises to help set you up for manifesting success. I’ve run the challenge for over 5 years now and each year it gets better and better! I love hearing all your success stories and seeing the rewards in my own life from doing these exercises too. It starts on the 1st – 5th January 2023 and you can sign up for free here!

Choose a mantra or word for 2023 – Another one of my favourite practices to do at the beginning of a New Year is to pick a word or mantra to embody/experience that year. Without fail this is such a powerful practice and I always experience that specific energy in lessons and blessings. So really take the time to be specific with your word and tune into what you’d like to experience and embody this coming year.

Do a 2023 Vision Board – Vision boards can also be a great way to start your year and help you get clarity on what you’d like to achieve in the coming year. Personally, I prefer a mind map style for a yearly vision board only because the energy of a vision board is more longterm than instant manifestation. So tune into whether you feel a 2023 vision board is right for you and if it is, get specific and get creative with the images you choose. Remember to incorporate words and feelings into your vision board too.

Cleanse your space and reset the energy – An essential I would argue to any New Year ritual is clearing out the old energy of the year gone by and resetting your emotional and physical energy including your home and work space. The Winter Solstice encourages us to do this anyway (my full Winter Solstice ritual you can follow is below) so get decluttering and let go of the previous year emotionally and physically by clearing out any stagnant energy.


Do an end of year review & meditation – The number one reason why I see people struggling with setting New Year intentions is because they feel overwhelmed due to a lack of clarity on what exactly they want to call in. Wrapping up your previous year and doing and of year review allows you to energetically let go of the year so far and have clarity on what it is you’d like to step into and create with a new year. Make sure to do my end of year review and meditation below to be able to set clear and precise intentions for 2023.

Release 2022 (clear out old intentions) – I’d also really recommend going through your 2022 intentions lists, vision boards etc that you did at the beginning of the year and tick off the things things you achieved, then let go of this list. Whether it’s clearing out your manifestation box or burning or destroying your 2022 goals list for example make sure to clear these out and reflect on what did manifest for you this year.

Do a New Moon in Capricorn practice – Our last New Moon of 2022 is happening on the 23rd of December in Capricorn and is arguably one of the best New Moon’s annually to set intentions or goals on for the year ahead. So use this upcoming energy to set your intentions or goals for 2023 and use the power of moon magic to amplify this. You can find my New Moon ritual here.

Start the Positively Wealthy Challenge – My 33-day manifesting challenge book is the perfect book to kickstart your manifesting practice with in the New Year. Lots of Queens have messaged me saying they’ve created a small book club of friends and they’ll be doing it together from January 1st. I love this idea and highly encourage it if you feel called to – whilst the book can be done at any point of the year doing a challenge like this to raise your vibration and manifest abundance is always a winner for me! You can purchase my book worldwide from anywhere that sells books here.

Journaling Prompts – Give these fun journaling prompts I’ve created for you a go in your notebook or journal. Relax and allow yourself to free flow with your answers.

  • What would I like to feel or experience this year?
  • What would I like to manifest this year?
  • Which 3 are my top priorities and would have the most impact on my other goals?
  • What action can I take over the next 3 months to make my success inevitable? (Go through each of your top 3 manifestations).

Do a New Year’s Ritual – Finally, this may seem like an obvious one but setting time aside to do a manifesting ritual on New Year’s Eve is always lots of fun. You could add some rituals from the above into your practice or completely create your very own one. Personally for me I like to reflect on my year, reset the energy, set my intentions for 2023 and do an oracle card spread for the year ahead. Set the scene for your ritual by lighting a candle, clear the energy with an aura spray, crystal or white sage for example and grab your favourite snacks and drink. Be intentional with this ritual because the more energy and focus you put towards this practice the more you’ll get out of it. I also have a New Year Manifesting Ritual video coming out next week on my YouTube channel.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can invite in manifesting success with 2023! If you’ve loved this blog post then don’t forget to join my FREE Manifesting Challenge for 2023! This year will be my fifth year hosting the challenge and last year we had over 1,200 Queens join in. Kickstart your 2023 off with 5 days full of fun and abundance and let me teach you how to attract your desires and abundance this coming year. If you’d like to find out more information and sign up for the challenge you can do so by clicking here. Join me and make 2023 a year filled with magic and manifestation! I can’t wait to see you in there Queen and help you manifest your dreams this year. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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