When working towards our goals or setting manifestations we’re told that if we want something the Universe is always saying yes. Whilst I do agree with this statement to some degree actually the Universe is really saying yes to the core energy of your desire how that looks or shows up is down to the Universe. So this week I wanted to explore with you 3 signs the Universe is telling you no or to stop.


This has been such a big indication for me in the past when roadblocks, hurdles or challenges arise. Now some tests and things to overcome may come up naturally of course, but multiple stop signs or things forcing you to stop is a clear indication the Universe wants you to pause. Remember rejection is divine intervention what may feel like a no cold actually be the Universe saving you from something that really is not in alignment and could fall away anyway. Recently I’ve been trying to launch a new course which felt like a full-body yes – the inspiration flowed and it was all set. Yet every time I sat down to film the content something would happen so I thought it was divine timing and delayed it. Then Mercury Retrograde brought along another big hurdle which meant I physically can’t launch it now until it is resolved meaning I’ve taken a big old sign from the Universe that this new course is not to be worked on right now or maybe not even at all. At first I felt frustrated as we were so close to launch and I didn’t want to let people down but now there is no way to proceed quite literally I have to surrender and accept the Universe has bigger and better plans for me. So look out for hurdles. Yes, there may be a few natural bumps in the road but stop signs are stop signs, and the more we ignore them the bigger the Universe will have to go to stop us in our tracks.

“Remember the Universe never takes things from us it merely transforms them so circling back to the statement of the Universe is always saying yes to us – to some degree it is but it’s saying yes to alignment and whatever is for the highest good of all not just your version of the desire.”


Next up look at your alignment – maybe like my course it felt like a full-body yes at the time but actually, now you’re questioning the alignment and whether it does feel right. Trust and honour this, it’s okay to change your mind as we grow and evolve so do our desires and intentions. So maybe you felt like something was a fully-body yes and now it’s not it’s okay to witness this and allow it to be what it needs to be. Maybe the space is being created in your life for something even more aligned and better than before. Remember the Universe never takes things from us it merely transforms them so circling back to the statement of the Universe is always saying yes to us – to some degree it is but it’s saying yes to alignment and whatever is for the highest good of all not just your version of the desire. So be open to it happening differently because you never know you could be very pleasantly surprised!

Is It Really A No?

Finally, when the Universe is showing you a stop sign or a no is it really a no? It can certainly feel like rejection and a no but remember the Universe is always protecting us. What is meant for you can never pass you by so trust in yourself and the Universe a little bit more. It is really a no or can you sit with ‘not like this’. I always reframe rejection into ‘just not like this’ and take it as the Universe’s way of directing me to where I actually need to be. So reframe your no’s and look at what the Universe could be showing you here or giving you the opportunity to learn during this time. There are no mistakes with the Universe so start seeing no’s as simply ‘not like this’ and you’ll see how much lighter that already feels to process.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can identify the Universe’s no’s and stop signs. Don’t forget the doors to my Manifestation Membership are open for the next week! The membership launched 18 months ago now which means when you sign-up you get instant access to over 18 months worth of topics and content. The membership is an affordable and accessible group coaching setting where you get monthly live moon circles and coaching sessions with myself, as well as industry expert live circles, workbooks, meditations, videos, downloadable content and much more each and every month! If you’d like to find out more information and what’s included then you can find everything by clicking here and also how you can sign up. Join me and make 2021 a year filled with magic and manifestation! I can’t wait to see you in there Queen and help you manifest your dreams this year. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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