Identity is a conversation I’ve been having lots with my 1:1 clients recently and even with myself. So much has changed for us all over the last few years and I know so many people are left questioning who they are here in the new world and what makes them happy. So this week I wanted to create a blog post for those who feel they’ve lost that spark recently and want to rediscover themselves this week!

Slowing Down

One thing that has really helped me in rediscovering who I am here and now is by slowing down. Recently I realised after a manic year so far with launches I’ve not taken the time to slow down and catch up with myself. In February, after I finished writing my latest book I worked through some of my deepest inner work to date. Meaning I’m operating from a new identity, one that isn’t coming from a place of fear or trauma. For most of my life that’s all I’d ever known so of course now past that, it’s a beautiful opportunity to meet my most authentic self here and now and get to know the real me outside of that past identity. Even if you haven’t recently worked through some inner work so many situations or events in life cause us to blossom into new identities and question who we are here and now. Life is always changing, we are always growing and evolving too so how can we expect to stay the same person? Start off this week by slowing down and allowing yourself the time to process and see where you feel called to go first.

“Even if you haven’t recently worked through some inner work so many situations or events in life cause us to blossom into new identities and question who we are here and now. Life is always changing, we are always growing and evolving too so how can we expect to stay the same person? Start off this week by slowing down and allowing yourself the time to process and see where you feel called to go first.”


Rediscovering yourself involves looking after yourself too, when you’re in a space of discovering your needs, likes and dislikes it’s important that you’re implementing regular self-care and self-love practices to make sure you’re filling your own cup. Take some time this week to spend quality time with yourself and prioritise your self-care. What can you do this week to show yourself that you love yourself? Make sure that you stick to this and make regular time each week for self-love and self-care.


Finally, I always find journaling really helpful when I’m looking for some clarity and it’s a great act of self-care too, taking the time to explore your emotions with yourself. Below I’ve put some powerful journaling prompts that you can use to help start the journey of rediscovery with yourself this week. Remember this process will unfold how it’s meant to but with all three of these steps implemented you’ll find yourself feeling clearer and closer to rediscovering this new version of yourself. Deep down you know you’re still there but with a few self-loving acts and the willingness to meet this new version of yourself you’ll be feeling in alignment with yourself in no time!

  1. How would I describe my higher self? (what are their qualities or characteristics)
  2. What do I need today?
  3. What feels like a hell yass to me right now?
  4. What feels like a hell no to me right now?
  5. What is one self-loving thing I can do for myself today?
  6. What are my core values in life?
  7. Who am I at soul level (describe yourself)?
  8. What do I need to give myself more of at the moment?
  9. What do I feel called to try or explore currently?
  10. What is one thing I want to rediscover about myself?

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips and tools on how you can rediscover yourself and the new you this week. Don’t forget my brand NEW manifestation course ‘Attract, Alignment, Abundance’ starts on the 6th June 2022! Do you want to come into true alignment with yourself, your desires and manifest your wildest dreams? Then join my brand new Law of Attraction mini-course designed to help you to create HUGE shifts and alignment in your life this June! Click this link here if you’d like to find out more information and say YASS to alignment today. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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