After the hype of ‘New year, new me’ in January. February is normally the month you start to see people lose their momentum and feel overwhelmed with all the action and new habits they’ve created throughout January. No problem Queen as this week I want to share with you my tips and tools for up-leveling your manifestation game in 2022 in a way that’s manageable and sustainable for you!

Feeling overwhelmed is the number one reason why people stop manifesting and fall off the manifesting bandwagon. With so much noise online with what you should and shouldn’t be doing to manifest many feel overwhelmed and often don’t have enough time to do lengthy morning routines and devote time to daily manifesting rituals. With this in mind, I wanted to create 5 fun ways you can uplevel your manifesting game in 2022 with tips that get you results without needing hours of your time to do them. So here are my 5 ways Queen…

Morning Routine

Yes, we’re starting off with the basics! A structured morning routine full of goodness not only has many health benefits but on average according to a survey done by ‘The Sleep Judge’ in 2021 found that people who stuck to a structured morning routine earned $12,500 more a year than people who didn’t. Having a morning routine not only raises your vibes, but also gets you present, and helps you be more productive throughout your day. Something as simple as waking up earlier if that’s what is needed or using your time before work more effectively will transform your day into a positive and abundant one. Don’t forget to add some gratitude into your morning routine and some physical movement like (yoga, stretching, running or walking) if that feels good. The key with daily practices is to make them fun, simple and full of goodness it’s all about the quality of your practices, not the quantity so if you only have 10-15 minutes available in the morning you can create so much positivity and goodness with this time.

Only Say YASSS To Things In Alignment

This year only say YASS to things that are in alignment with the life you want to lead. Stop choosing things that aren’t choosing you and start choosing the things that are saying YASS to you with ease. If something doesn’t align with the life you want to lead or it isn’t getting you closer to your dreams – ask yourself will this bring me closer to joy or further away?

Set Regular Goals

At the start of a new month or on a New Moon if you can set yourself regular goals. This is one of the key secrets to manifesting regularly is setting regular goals! Set yourself 5x personal, 5x work and a money manifestation goal for the month ahead. You’ll soon see regular abundance flow your way when you make the time to get clear and break down your goals into manageable monthly manifestations. Creating the space for this and a morning routine is a great form of self-love and self-care which of course is going to naturally attract more joy and abundance.

“This year only say YASS to things that are in alignment with the life you want to lead. Stop choosing things that aren’t choosing you and start choosing the things that are saying YASS to you with ease. If something doesn’t align with the life you want to lead or it isn’t getting you closer to your dreams – ask yourself will this bring me closer to joy or further away?”

Embody The Energy

Another great tip is to embody the energy of your desires. Similar to the step of ‘Acting as if’ embodying the energy of your desires will attract them to you so much quicker. So think about how the version of yourself would be feeling if they had that desire here and now? What would they do on a daily basis? Embody these emotions and feelings in your everyday life by cultivating them in whatever way you can. This may even mean you need to do some inner work to clear any resistance to authentically feeling these emotions you connect with.

Create An Abundance Group

Using What’s App or a social media group chat function, create a sacred abundance group with a couple of your spiritual besties. I love doing this and it’s something I stumbled upon a few years ago – in this group we share positivity, support, our desires, gratitude and so much more. Voice note or type out your desires, only share these with the group, keep the energy sacred and watch your abundance grow as you all help each other manifest in your sacred container!

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can uplevel your manifesting game this year! Want to be a Queen with abundance and your desires this year? Don’t forget you can join me on the 8th February 2022 at 7pm GMT for my 90-minute ‘Align & Embody Abundance in 2022’ Masterclass. Be an abundant Spiritual Queen and align with your desires in 90 minutes! Learn how to become truly abundant and embody your desires this year. Over the 90 minutes, I will be guiding you through my proven processes to cultivate an optimum abundance mindset through powerful meditations, teachings and practical tools that you’ll be able to implement, manifest alignment and embody your desires with straight away! You’ll also have the opportunity to ask me your burning questions and receive live support and tips! If you’d like to join us then click here and say YASS to alignment, abundance and embodiment today! As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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