It’s that time of year again Queen where the winter solstice is upon us. On Sunday 22nd December 2019 in the northern hemisphere we experience the shortest day of the year or in other words the winter solstice. This is a powerful time to go within and reflect on the last year in order to start sowing the seeds for the spring and summer. This is also a powerful solstice as we’re on the cusp of a new year and new decade so I thought I’d share with you these great practices to follow on Sunday!

The winter solstice carries a deep meaning of being the time to turn inwards away from the world. This is very much a deep divine feminine energy inviting us to go within and heal. The darkness of winter represents the polarity of darkness/light, yin/yang and masculine/feminine energy. It’s also a time of celebration as we are at the halfway point and we now journey back towards the light and summer months. So simply put this is the time to address anything within you that you’ve been avoiding or putting off. This time of year also symbolizes a deep clearing and a time of rebirth and the dying of the old to make way for the new. Now if you’ve been following my last two blog posts, YouTube videos and podcasts this has been the theme over the last few weeks. Clearing out the old, healing this and leaving it in 2019 to make space and way for new abundance and miracles. Once again this doesn’t mean that everything in your life will fall away it’s simply challenging you to address this now and to not carry any residue over into this powerful new year and decade. So it could also mean a rebirth of energy, love, friendships absolutely anything!


A great first practice to celebrate winter solstice would be to write a list of what you would like to shift in your life. This is a great time to reflect on what has felt dark within you and bring this to the light now. How would you like to improve this in 2020 and move into a better place? This nicely ties in with the reflective practices I’ve set in my last two blog posts as it’s important before we enter a new year and decade to reflect upon this year and decade and decide what it is we truly want in this new energy. 2020 is a very powerful year of balance and love so you want to make sure you’re not dragging old baggage into another year you’re better than that Queen. Once you’ve written your list this is the time to let it go, forgive and finally release these karmic ties and fears.

Light a Candle

A great tradition in winter solstice is to light a candle to invite the light back in, this would be a great practice to not only signify the light but allow you to let go of your past. Create yourself a candle alter if it’s safe to do so and meditate if you feel called to, you could even do an angelic chord cutting meditation to really release your past and cut any chords to people, fears or situations that are no longer serving you. The next thing I would suggest doing is burning your reflective list, now please make sure you do this safely either outside or next to a window. Make sure you put safety first here and you don’t have to light the paper with the candle either. The Universe wants you to be safe guys! Equally, if you can’t burn the paper please destroy it in a way that feels appropriate surrounded by candles. The point of this practice is to let go and invite the light back in so truly allow yourself to let go of these things now and welcome the re-birth and new energy into your life. In the darkness, we can turn the light on. So this practice is about illuminating those parts of you so they can transform and shift now.

“In the darkness, we can turn the light on. So this practice is about illuminating those parts of you so they can transform and shift now.”

Slow Down

December is naturally a busy time of the year due to celebrations and festivities. This means that we often neglect our self-love time and often forget to fill our own cup. The winter solstice reminds us that during this inner reflective time it’s also ideal for working on self-love and slowing down before Christmas. Allow yourself to slow down and relax on Sunday, dedicate the time to these practices and make the day about you. Whether this is your self-love routine, a nice hot bubble bath or simply time alone reading. Whatever your idea of relaxing on Sunday make sure you do it!

Get Out In Nature

Finally, on the winter solstice make sure that you get outside and ground yourself in mother nature. Although it may be cold outside make sure to wrap up warm, reconnect with mother nature and ground yourself in her beauty. Whether this is taking a long walk or visiting your favourite nature spot. Allow yourself to embrace winter and take time out to ground yourself and breathe in the refreshing air. It’s important to connect with the seasons around us and welcome in the beauty of each solstice or equinox by being present in nature.

I hope these practices have inspired you this winter solstice and please do let me know if you do any of these on Sunday. As always please let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section down below. Over the next few weeks, all of my blog posts and YouTube videos will be helping you to wrap up 2019 and this decade successfully so make sure to keep an eye out for these. Don’t forget you can join my FREE 7 day manifesting challenge starting on January 1st designed to help you kick start your manifesting journey in 2020, so make sure to sign up here to be involved! I’m wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a great week whatever you’re up to. Sending you all lots of love xx



Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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