This week as I reflect upon over eighteen months of hard work on my new book Positively Wealthy as she is released into the world. I felt this was a great time to share with you the importance of celebrating your wins in life and why this is so important during the Law of Attraction process and why this actually inspired my book too!

Like with anything a baby, a book launch, a wedding, a graduation etc there are so many occasions in our life where there are big build-ups and months if not years of preparation beforehand. Look at your own manifestations the build-up is working your way through the manifesting steps, where they’ll be highs and lows along the way and when that manifestation finally arrives…if you’re anything like me you go into shock mode and you’re not sure what to do! Celebrating my second book launch this week was an interesting one for me as this whole book started it’s journey, when I manifested everything off my vision board and realised how unfulfilled I felt. I realised how everything had become one big checklist for me and how I’d been chasing the wrong version of wealth all along (in walks my new book Positively Wealthy!) So this time around after going along my own journey of healing my ‘need more attitude’ with manifesting and learning how to manifest in a completely different way/energy I was interested to see how I’d feel. I actually had no expectations of this book, other than to help the reader transform their money mindset and to feel peace, fulfillment and love in their life from reading this book. I let go of any outcome, had fun, enjoyed the build-up and allowed myself to be fully present on launch day. Not thinking about what’s next, not thinking about what I didn’t have like last time. I allowed myself to be truly grateful and present (which could only be done because I healed that part of me and did the inner work last year whilst writing the book). What came from this was amazing, my book was an instant #1 Amazon bestseller and got so low in the charts topping legendary books and authors which I’d never experienced before with my previous book. I received beautiful flowers from my loved ones, gifts and tons of incredible support online I never even expected! See what happens when you step out of your own way? Abundance! So the point of this blog post this week is to show you why it’s important to truly celebrate all our wins in life.

When we celebrate our wins in life we are showing the Universe we’re grateful. When we allow ourselves to be fully present in the moment with no expectations, we allow ourselves to be a true manifestation magnet and connected to the Universe. Where I and I’m sure many of us have gone wrong before with manifesting, is that I’d be grateful for the manifestation but then I’d move on to the next thing, I’d have expectations or I just couldn’t be present. This caused me so much unfulfillment in my life and clearly why I needed to go along my own Positively Wealthy journey to be able to write this book for you. When we don’t allow ourselves to co-create with the Universe and celebrate the blessings and manifestations when they happen, you’re sending a powerful message to the Universe. Think about it when you feel gratitude, joy, happiness, fun, love all the emotions you feel when you do celebrate guess what? That’s going to create more abundance in your life and show the Universe how grateful you are for all you have currently.

“When we celebrate our wins in life we are showing the Universe we’re grateful. When we allow ourselves to be fully present in the moment with no expectations, we allow ourselves to be a true manifestation magnet and connected to the Universe.”

Those positive vibrations allow you to continue putting positive and abundant energy towards your other manifestations too. When you skip onto the next thing and don’t allow yourself to be present you rob yourself of so much joy, you’re also giving off a ‘lack’ vibration by ‘needing more’. That’s not to say you can’t ever manifest again or have other goals, it’s simply saying be present with every blessing. Take the time to slow down, celebrate in your own way, and celebrate this win and your greatness. So often when I work with clients a big event will have happened in their life and they won’t feel they’ve truly celebrated or feel worthy of this achievement. This can be down to many reasons but I always challenge them to celebrate themselves so try this today – write down a list of all your achievements in life so far. By doing this it’s allowing yourself to acknowledge your achievements and see how fabulous and talented you really are! Next, challenge yourself to celebrate physically whether that’s treating yourself to something, have a gathering with loved ones, or pampering yourself. Journal down some ways you’d really like to celebrate and take inspired action to make those happen.

Celebrating our wins in life is so important not only for our wellbeing, because who doesn’t love being happy right? But also for our presentness, for our connection with the Universe and for our fulfillment. Which acknowledges that we don’t need anything else to make this moment special because we are present, already fulfilled with or without this manifestation and enjoying the view right now (gratitude). This is the key with manifesting because I never truly did this and well you’ll read about that within the book! So this week or whenever you can challenge yourself to celebrate your life’s wins and when your manifestations come into fruition. Don’t move straight onto the next thing, allow yourself to be truly present with yourself and the Universe and when the time feels intuitively right then you’ll know when to focus on your next manifestation or goal.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can celebrate more in your life. Queen, I just want to say a BIG thank you for all your love and support this week with my book launch. Positively Wealthy has been an instant #1 bestselling book and smashed the Amazon charts on launch day all because of you guys! Positively Wealthy is a 33-day guide to manifesting sustainable wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. When you order a copy you can also get a FREE 90-minute Manifestation Masterclass worth £33 absolutely FREE on wealth and finding fulfillment in the now. You can find out more information on the book and how to order here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a safe and nurturing week whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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