When lockdown came in over seven weeks ago now my financial security in my business felt uncertain. Myself and every other business across the globe had no idea how this would play out or affect us. I prepared for the worst to only be surprised by the Universe with more clients than ever before and my business continues to flourish and grow. Thank you to you guys and thank you Universe! I know this may not be the case for every business but let me explain today how I changed my fear of uncertainty and a recession into faith and also why you may be reassessing, pivoting, or thinking about changing your business in some way because of the lockdown.

Okay, let’s get started! So of course I’m going to explain the spiritual side of things when it comes to business because that’s how I roll as you will know by now. There have been a lot of energetic changes going on during the lockdown from planetary shifts to three super full moon’s one after the other! As we now enter into eclipse season (I’m no astrology expert so check out Danielle Paige on Instagram as she explains everything way better than I can!) we will find that certain areas of our life will be shifting heavily over the next few months. Venus is also retrograde right now, as is Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto! Have no fear though this will mean different things for different people but to summarise the way we look at things and do things over the next few months will change drastically. Again follow the astrology experts for more specifics on this. So this leads me nicely onto why we may have been taking a big old look at our jobs and businesses and how we do things currently. For many lockdown was a big wake up call for how sustainable their business model was, a lot of yoga teachers, meditation teachers etc were forced to do online classes and explore how they could expand and exist digitally too. Pretty much every business owner will have been assessing and re-evaluating what’s working and what’s not anymore, because really all we’ve had is time! When we slow down and allow ourselves time to be present it allows us to focus on the bigger picture and check-in with ourselves to see if any changes or shifts need to occur.

So don’t panic if you are finding that you want to pivot with your business, try new things, or entirely re-brand. I’ve had so many conversations over the last two months with both my business coaching clients and my life coaching clients on how they can switch things up, leave their job and go full-time with their passion project, or even change careers. So much in our life is up for analysis right now as we find the time to honestly sit with ourselves and evaluate what brings us joy. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning to be encouraging people to take these big leaps during a pandemic and uncertain times. But it seems the Universe is doing it for us and many have experienced an unexpected job loss or furlough meaning they now have the time and opportunity to grow their business or focus on what they truly want to do in life whatever it may be.

Yes, it took a pandemic to make us all stop and evaluate our lives but I for one am so grateful I have. Although I haven’t made major changes in my business I’ve had downloads of what I should be focusing on and tweaks I can make to grow and feel even more aligned as I move forwards. So if this is you right now allow yourself to flow with it, the Universe is giving us the time to stop, reflect, and reset. Tune into your intuition during this time and see what shifts need to be made. I’ve seen so many changes of direction with my clients over the last two months which is great that I’m able to help them work on that clarity and develop these new ideas but for many this will be unsettling if you’ve spent time, money and resources going in one direction to then pivot and make a big change – the joys of business eh!

“So that pivot in your business or the new idea may be the very thing to launch your business to new heights during or after lockdown. Yes we may still have a recession worldwide absolutely, but as a business owner it’s about being resourceful and adapting to the climate we find ourselves in whilst still remaining authentic and aligned to our work.”

As I said before, for some (like myself) I’ve been incredibly blessed to still be needed and all areas of my business to still be doing well during these uncertain times. Just for reference as well I was declined help (like numerous others) by the UK’s self-employment government scheme due to not meeting the criteria (this was before I knew what would happen we all just had to apply at the beginning). So for me instead of panicking I had to count my blessings, that one I could still operate my business online, and I hadn’t lost any money. That if I self-isolated fully I would have a good chance of being able to stay healthy and able to work during this time. Not ideal circumstances I know, but we never truly can predict what will happen in life. I had to work hard on turning my fear into faith and trusting that the Universe would support me and keep me going. With this faith as I’ve explained miracles have happened for myself and many others including friends who own businesses or even my clients starting businesses. This certainly won’t be the picture for everyone right now as many businesses will be struggling especially if they have physical premises and no online way to earn money. I think over anything as I said earlier we are being challenged to look at business in a new way, not only will we never take a high-street store or hairdresser for granted again – if we’re truly honest this is about expanding also into the online world and how even in a pandemic you can continue to earn and support your community both locally and online. The best thing you can do right now is count your blessings Queen – are you still able to operate? Are you and your loved ones healthy? Are you receiving help from the governments? What money or abundance have you attracted to yourself during lockdown?

Change was always inevitable with this lockdown and with COVID-19 we’ve lost a lot as a collective from our loved ones, businesses, freedom, jobs, money the list goes on. Many will be experiencing grief in some way, but what’s important to remember here is that the Universe is always guiding us to where we need to be. So that pivot in your business or the new idea may be the very thing to launch your business to new heights during or after lockdown. Yes we may still have a recession worldwide absolutely, but as a business owner it’s about being resourceful and adapting to the climate we find ourselves in whilst still remaining authentic and aligned to our work. So trust the process Queen you’ve got this, and follow those niggling feelings because they know the way to where you’re meant to go next with your business or career.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can turn your fear into faith during these times. Also, I have just launched a very exciting 50-page digital magazine, especially for you guys! The Spiritual Queen Magazine is a digital magazine designed to be your spiritual companion during lockdown with over 21 full-length articles from myself and industry experts for only 99p! The best bit is 10% of all proceeds are being donated to a fantastic charity called HEROES that has been set up by NHS workers for NHS workers to support them mentally and physically during COVID-19. You can purchase your copy here from my website store to support yourself and our incredible NHS during lockdown. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a safe and nurturing week whatever you’re up to in your homes and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dharma Rocks

    Wow. This was beautiful. I feel so much calmer after reading this. Thank you!!

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