Let’s be real the super full moon in Scorpio today has been influencing us as a collective hugely over the last week or so. I myself have felt zapped of energy, tired and unproductive. For others, it’s looked like feeling irritated and impatient not only with lockdown but situations and people in their life. This is the deep Scorpio energy bringing up our shadow work to address and release under this powerful super full moon. Also, with a super full moon it intensifies the energy it’s under (Scorpio), so yeah it’s been a fun week for us all!

I also wanted to highlight the impatience I’m seeing across the globe from protesters in America, to even people here in the UK not abiding by the rules and who are ‘bored’ of lockdown now. There seems to be a sense of urgency all of a sudden and people seem to be forgetting we’re in a pandemic! So with both of these linked I thought it was a good time to highlight why we may be feeling impatient and how to soothe this and feel more at ease with lockdown and within ourselves over the super full moon in Scorpio.


The reason why we may be feeling irritated or impatient in life right now is due to the uncertainty, our human mind craves a structure and outcome so anything that challenges us to flow feels alien and challenges our ego. That’s why we are now seeing people getting ‘bored’ of lockdown because they are craving ‘normality’ as well as wanting to see their loved ones. This, however, does not mean you should be irresponsible or put people at risk, lockdown is happening for a reason remember. It’s better to be safe and remember to protect the NHS, our elderly and vulnerable by staying home. Also, right now we feel completely out of control with our health and loved one’s health on the line and many experiencing grief of all kinds in their life. Many are craving certainty and normality to feel in control again.


We all love a good routine and heck I do too! That’s why creating yourself a solid routine will help you to adjust to the ‘new normal’ we find ourselves in. Have you been keeping up with your fitness routine? Have you been doing the necessary work or are you finding yourself watching Netflix instead? Don’t get me wrong it’s great to follow your flow right now and do what you feel called to – this isn’t about productivity. What is important however is that you schedule time to do both, so have your fun time and also have scheduled time in the week for work and tasks that need to get done. That way you can try and have some normality to your day whilst honoring yourself.

Connect To Joy

More than anything right now boredom creates irritability and impatience so connect to what brings you joy Queen. Have you been challenging yourself to try something new during lockdown? As I’ve been busier than ever with work it’s been hard for me to do all I had planned but each week I’m challenging myself to try acrylic art pouring as it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. So each Sunday is my time to be creative and try new things to spark joy for me during lockdown. So ask yourself honestly what would bring you joy into your life during this time and create those joyful memories when you look back?

“Your future self is thanking you for doing ‘the work’ right now, so celebrate that this is coming up to the surface because now you can witness it and work with it in a way that feels good to you.”

Do the Inner Work

Okay now to the nitty-gritty of this post the reason why people are feeling irritated and impatient this week is for many factors mainly because the lovely super full moon in Scorpio is bringing up the shadow work! Those deep things you could have been suppressing, overlooking, or think you’ve healed but BAM they’re back. Now some people will have been doing the work and still feel this so just know that healing isn’t linear and it’s a bit like an onion with layers. So things can feel unhealed when actually it’s just a new layer which won’t feel as intense as before. Doing the work right now and allowing yourself to feel all that you need to is so important as it will allow you to release these triggers and welcome in new brighter energy. This is why people are feeling irritable or impatient because their ego wants to avoid the writing on the wall, the work so to speak so it looks for distractions and new ways to avoid it. This will never work Queen and although it can feel a lot especially during a pandemic know that by doing the work it will equal to so much happiness for you in the future. Your future self is thanking you for doing the work right now, so celebrate that this is coming up to the surface because now you can witness it and work with it in a way that feels good to you.

Moving Forward

Finally, let’s talk about moving forward past lockdown. Many seem in a rush to return to normality when really the world will never be the same again. Think about it you’re not the same person who walked into this lockdown now, let alone when we finally come out of this. We are all going through a deep transformation as a collective and have a new perspective on our priorities, life, and how we want to live going forward – this is a bold new world but so needed! So think about what habits and things you’d like to continue with past lockdown. What has really served you during these times and make a list of them. Don’t just allow the good work you’ve done be forgotten Queen you’re better than that and I’m sure you can agree that whatever is on your list has nourished you and is your fresh clear perspective having had the time to slow down and reflect.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can help soothe irritation and impatience during lockdown. This week I have launched a very exciting 50-page digital magazine, especially for you guys! The Spiritual Queen Magazine is a digital magazine designed to be your spiritual companion during lockdown with over 21 full-length articles from myself and industry experts for only 99p! The best bit is 10% of all proceeds are being donated to a fantastic charity called HEROES that has been set up by NHS workers for NHS workers to support them mentally and physically during COVID-19. You can purchase your copy here from my website store to support yourself and our incredible NHS during lockdown. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a safe and nurturing week whatever you’re up to in your homes and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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