With so much density in the world right now sometimes it can be hard to fully open your heart energy for many reasons. Whether this is because of past trauma or situations that taught you to close your heart off or even heavy energy that stops us from the flow of balanced energy within us. So this week I wanted to share with you my 3 ways to open your heart and energy and what the benefits of this are.

Heart Chakra

First of all, we have to look at the heart chakra, if you’re unfamiliar with the chakras then I have lots of free content on my channels that explain what our chakras are but essentially they are energetic centers in our energetic body which is a few cm outside of our physical body. The heart chakra is located in the middle of your chest just to the right of your actual heart and is the chakra responsible for giving and receiving love. When the heart chakra is blocked or underactive this means we are not in balance of expressing and receiving love. When we stop the flow of love from our heart’s we stop the flow of happiness, joy and abundance too. When our heart chakra is flowing and balanced we feel better within ourselves and also attract loving and happy situations and things in our life. So work to connect with your heart chakra and you could even do a balancing meditation on YouTube every now and again to reinforce this connection. You could also get a green crystal (green for the heart chakra) and place it on your heart space during meditation this will also help open and balance your heart chakra.

Protect Your Energy

Next up in order to be able to open your heart and energy, you also need a daily protection ritual. Just like your daily skincare routine, it’s vital you also protect your energy daily. This will then allow you up to feel more open with your energy whilst knowing you are energetically protected. Another reason why so many close off their energy is because they don’t know how to protect it and get hit with dense collective energy, so it’s really important that you take the time each day to clean your energy too just like your teeth. You can do this by sitting in a few moments of stillness or meditation and call upon Archangel Michael and your spirit team to surround you with divine white protective light and visualise a white protective light or bubble surrounding you fully. Just like your 3-step skincare routine, it’s also important to cleanse your energy regularly so anything that’s not yours passes through with ease and you’re not containing that in your daily protective light. You can do this with white sage, incense sticks, aura spray or visualise your angel team clearing and transmuting any energy that’s not serving you up to the Universe.

“Manifesting with your Inner Child can be so much fun, so by doing the inner work and working on any blocks or resistance that stops that healthy heart flow. You not only heal yourself and Inner Child but you will naturally feel your energy shift and be able to give and receive love in equal balance – meaning your heart space is open.”

Inner Child Work

Lastly, the inner work and Inner Child work is so important to focus on when opening your heart energy. The Inner Child resides within the heart chakra so again this is great work to complement both. Take the time to connect with your Inner Child (I have tons of videos and meditations on how to do this on my YouTube channel) and feel them within your heart space. By connecting to your Inner Child and communicating with them often you are allowing the natural flow of energy in your heart space to connect to you both and create abundance too. Manifesting with your Inner Child can be so much fun, so by doing the inner work and working on any blocks or resistance that stops that healthy heart flow. You not only heal yourself and Inner Child but you will naturally feel your energy shift and be able to give and receive love in equal balance – meaning your heart space is open. Connect to your Inner Child regularly and ask them what they need from you? Reassure them when they need it and express compassion and love to that small version of yourself. This is a great way to open your energy and create a healthy loving flow.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can create a healthy flow and balance with your heart energy. Want to be a Queen with your finances this year? Don’t forget you can now get the replay for my 90-minute ‘Master Your Money Mindset’ Masterclass which we did last night. Be a Queen with your finances in 90 minutes! Learn how to manifest abundance and money this September. Over the 90 minutes I will be guiding you through my proven processes to cultivate an optimum money mindset through powerful meditations, teachings and practical tools that you’ll be able to implement and manifest financial abundance with straight away! If you’d like to join us then click here and say YASS to financial abundance today! As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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