About a year or so into my spiritual journey I started having ‘downloads’ from the Universe where ideas and inspiration would come to me randomly and drop into my mind. This first became apparent when writing my first book Spiritual Queen back in 2018 so this week I wanted to share with you my top tips and tools for channeling ideas, inspiration and messages from the Universe to help you in everyday life.

Once I learned to open up my third eye and crown chakra and allow the communication in from the Universe I noticed my work up-leveling and tools and modalities channeling through into my books and sessions which I hadn’t read or been taught anywhere else. I would look back on my Positively Wealthy book and not remember writing half of it or know where that wisdom would come from. My writing would be noticeably up levelled, I’ve struggled with grammar and writing since school so to see such formulated sentences I started to wonder how or where this was coming from. Most people notice channeling when they’re writing or speaking to someone. A lot of authors note they feel like something is writing through them and I can definitely agree with this. It takes practice to channel and to be a clear channel but here are some easy ways you can get started and see what comes through!

Trust Your Intuition

First of all, you need to open up your connection to the Universe, this can be done by looking into chakra’s especially your third eye and crown chakra. There are some great balancing meditations on YouTube that you can use to help open and balance that connection. Secondly in order to be a clear channel yes you need to make sure you’re looking after yourself and vibes but most importantly you need to trust what is coming through. Do you doubt your intuition? Do you second guess yourself? If so then it’s time to work on those chakra’s and lean into trusting your senses and intuition more. With time and practice, you will learn what your intuition feels like and know what is a clear message vs. ego. So the more you trust and listen to yourself the more your channeling abilities will grow and you’ll receive clearer guidance without second-guessing.

Create The Space

Secondly, it’s really important that you create the space emotionally, mentally and physically in your life for ideas, inspiration and downloads. Remember if you have cluttered thoughts, emotions and even a cluttered space in your home this doesn’t allow your mind to be still or have the space to receive the message or guidance you’re looking for. For me to be able to channel my writing especially in my books I know I need a clear diary and an energy of expansion where I’m not overwhelmed with work or distracted with everyday life. No matter how hard I try, I know when the Universe is free to flow through me vs. when I need to mentally declutter and schedule time out to be clear and relaxed. The more we think with our human mind the less chance or space our soul and the Universe has to come through so preparing and creating the space is so important. With the Autumn Equinox coming up on the 21st September this is the perfect time to declutter your mind, body and home to open and up receive new guidance, abundance and inspiration from the Universe.

“Remember if you have cluttered thoughts, emotions and even a cluttered space in your home this doesn’t allow your mind to be still or have the space to receive the message or guidance you’re looking for. For me to be able to channel my writing especially in my books I know I need a clear diary and an energy of expansion where I’m not overwhelmed with work or distracted with everyday life.”

Free Writing

Finally, a great practice to get you started with channeling and receiving guidance is to do some free writing. This can be done after meditation or first thing in the morning when your mind is clear. Set the intention either in your mind or during your meditation that when you come out you want to channel a guided message of what you need to know right now. It’s really important that you’re in a calm and relaxed state when doing this. When you come out of meditation make sure to have a notebook and pen next to you as you’ll need this straight away. Then without thinking start writing and allow it to flow through your pen, don’t think about what your writing just allow it to flow through you and see what comes through. Like I said earlier on you’ll need to do this often to develop and trust the words coming through you. Channeling involves zero thought whatsoever as you allow the guidance to come through, switching off your thoughts and relaxing into it comes with time and patience.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how yoy can channel ideas and inspiration this week from the Universe. Want to be a Queen with your finances this year? Don’t forget you can join me on the 15th September 2021 at 7pm BST for my 90-minute ‘Master Your Money Mindset’ Masterclass. Be a Queen with your finances in 90 minutes! Learn how to manifest abundance and money this September. Over the 90 minutes I will be guiding you through my proven processes to cultivate an optimum money mindset through powerful meditations, teachings and practical tools that you’ll be able to implement and manifest financial abundance with straight away! You’ll also have the opportunity to ask me your burning questions and receive live support and tips! If you’d like to join us then click here and say YASS to financial abundance today! As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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