Getting To Know The Women Behind The Coupons – Coupon Mama

Women Behind The

In this Blog we will be looking at women behind the coupons, who are they really? Today I’m talking to Kez (aka Coupon Mama).

I’ve known Kez for roughly 8 months now, at first we weren’t the greatest friends but that’s the internet for you! Now once we actually sat down and spoke we realised how much we actually have in common. From conspiracy theories (yes, I know) to us moaning about our men on GTA. We certainly have a giggle and save some money along the way! Kez, started up Coupon Mama back in 2014 and soon has developed a 18k Facebook following with her Couponing skills, helpful advice and Blogs. So how much do you really know about the UK’s Coupon Mama

1. What was the first coupon you ever used?

“The first coupon I ever used was an Asda price guarantee coupon for £3.32 my little shop was only £5 so using the APG meant I only paid £1.68!”

2. Growing up were your family money savers? Do you have any inspirations?

“Growing up my mum was a real inspiration to me, she never wasted anything and we would always make something out of nothing. One of my favourite memories is saving the pumpkin seeds at Halloween, painting them with nail varnish and making necklaces out of them. Even now my mum teaches my kids how to grow their own veg!”

3. What is the funniest thing your Children have said about your Couponing?

“Well my kids are always coming out with funny things but since my Couponing adventures started and I named myself Coupon Mama my 2 year old gets quite upset and says “You not Coupon Mama you Connor’s Mama”.

4. When you were a Child what was your dream job? Did you see yourself ever becoming a full time Couponer as a job?

“From a really young age all i’ve ever wanted to do was be a mum. It might sound quite odd to some people that I never wanted a career, never dreamt of being a nurse or a teacher or anything like that I just wanted to be someone’s mummy. Obviously when you are young you don’t think about the financial side of having children but I was lucky enough to bag myself a guy who works hard so that I can stay home and be there for my kids. I never saw myself becoming a couponer or having my own website but it’s the second best thing i’ve ever done!”

5. Tell us a secret?

“I’m a total geek when it comes to t.v series I sometimes stay up till early hours of the morning watching Game of thrones, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Supernatural..ect”

6. If you could tell you’re 16-year old self anything what would it be?

“I would tell my 16 year old self to never dye her hair! I had this amazing idea to see what I would look like blonde a few years ago. Using the bleach made my hair like chewing gum it all stuck together and I ended up having to have it all chopped off! It’s never been the same since.”

So there you have it, a little insight in to the world of Coupon Mama! You can see Kez’s Interview of myself here: (Some of these might surprise you 🙂 )



Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. paula livesey

    I have alot from your blogs and with a large family like mine saving is very hard x

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