Well first of all you’re going to be absolutely fine! There is a lot of scaremongering online about eclipse season, retrogrades, and other significant planetary movements but the truth is these all happen year in year out and will all affect us differently. So today I wanted to give you some great tips on how to positively navigate eclipse season and what to expect.

Eclipse season happens twice a year and you have a lunar eclipse on a Full Moon and a solar eclipse on a New Moon. This month the Full Moon lunar eclipse is happening on Wednesday 26th May 2021 in Sagitarrius and ends on June 10th 2021 with a New Moon solar eclipse in Gemini. On these days I normally suggest not doing any Full Moon or New Moon practices as the energy can be volatile – wait a few days until the energy has settled to do any manifesting or releasing rituals. I will however share below what you can do on both these dates and in between. Retrograde wise we also have Mercury going retrograde on the 29th May 2021 until the 22nd June 2021 and also Saturn is retrograde until October 11th 2021. With this, it’s certainly going to create some interesting energy over the next month which isn’t something you need to fear – remember the Law of Attraction if you expect bad things they’ll happen not because of the moon! So let’s get onto what you can do during this time…


First of all the most notable energy over eclipse season is exhaustion! Don’t worry you’re not lazy the moon really is making us all take naps. Over the next month allow yourself to slow down, go within if need be, and rest up. The energy hits our physical bodies hard and even alters the Earth’s magnetic field so it’s no surprise that we’ll feel affected by this energy too. So allow yourself the time to rest and recover if need be. As my astrologer friend, Kaitlyn Kaerhart shares on her Instagram (@kaerhart) Eclipses aren’t meant to be rocky but they are big energetic portals that get you to where you need to be. So if you’re not on the right path or in alignment it can feel like rock bottom but really all it’s doing is getting you to where you need to be. I myself have experienced big changes and rock bottoms on previous eclipses but looking back ALL of it was positive to get me where I need to be here and now. If you are in alignment and on the right path then you won’t experience this but you may feel patterning or beliefs coming up for example to address and release over this period. So don’t worry because everyone is different and it will affect us all differently – scaremongering does nothing more than manifest fear into that person’s life which has nothing to do with eclipses or retrogrades.

“Essentially there is nothing to fear – yes, you may feel tired, annoyed sometimes, or triggered but eclipses are not here to punish us they’re here to show us how we can be living an even more aligned, happy life and get us on that path. Sometimes this could mean eclipse season clears out the old stuff ready to be released to make room for this aligned abundance in your life.”

Sit With It

Next up it’s really important you sit with anything that arises emotionally over the next month (well anytime really!) Mercury retrograde will slow you down to shine light upon any areas that need your attention so with eclipse energy in the mix too – don’t judge yourself here. Allow yourself to process anything that comes up in a way that feels good to you maybe it’s inner work, EFT, Inner Child work, meditating, journaling etc but also be aware of what’s not yours. During this season you’ll also pick up on collective energy so not everything may be yours to carry. So be honest and ask yourself whether this is yours or collective energy. Having clarity is key so give yourself the gift of being present and allowing what needs to flow through you release. Then after June 10th/June 22nd you can see where you’re at from that point and move forwards in a way that feels good to you. Although decisions and movement can absolutely be made still in these times make sure it’s a hell yass and feels 100% a full-body yass before proceeding.

The Positives

There are actually many positives to eclipse season – which maybe you don’t hear about! Yes, these are karmic portals but they’re also great times for opportunities such as (marriages, engagements, moves, pregnancies, job changes, and awards). So big life changes can also be happy and exciting too and if you do experience a breakup or something not so positive then see that as a door to change and new positive opportunities being opened for you. Essentially there is nothing to fear – yes, you may feel tired, annoyed sometimes, or triggered but eclipses are not here to punish us they’re here to show us how we can be living an even more aligned, happy life and get us on that path. Sometimes this could mean eclipse season clears out the old stuff ready to be released to make room for this aligned abundance in your life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post and it’s given you some great tips and tools to help you positively navigate eclipse season. Don’t forget the doors to my Manifestation Membership are open for the next week! The membership launched 17 months ago now which means when you sign-up you get instant access to over 17 months worth of topics and content. The membership is an affordable and accessible group coaching setting where you get monthly live moon circles and coaching sessions with myself, as well as industry expert live circles, workbooks, meditations, videos, downloadable content and much more each and every month! If you’d like to find out more information and what’s included then you can find everything by clicking here and also how you can sign up. Join me and make 2021 a year filled with magic and manifestation! I can’t wait to see you in there Queen and help you manifest your dreams this year. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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