Recently I’ve felt the energy of change and new beginnings in my life for many reasons which has been a welcomed relief after we’ve all felt like our lives hit the pause button in 2020. After numerous clients coming to me with the same feelings and wondering what their next steps should be. I thought this was the perfect topic to cover this week with you all!

After the Universe hit the reset button on us all last year, so much has changed for every single human being. I started writing my third book last Summer and when revisiting the 15,000 words I’d written so far this month it didn’t feel aligned anymore and I realised how much I’ve transformed and up-levelled since writing those chapters and how the book has too. We are all changing and evolving at rapid rates now which means fogginess can occur with new beginnings and now you’ve taken that action or created change in your life – what next? What are the next steps in a new beginning and how do we navigate that in this new world? Well, we’re all learning this one at the moment so I thought I’d share my top tips with you to help you feel more clear in your direction and how to embrace these new beginnings.

Get To Know The New You

First of all, after a new beginning and change in your life it can feel like a strange time where you don’t know what direction to go in or what you want anymore. This is normal so please don’t be alarmed if you suddenly feel like you don’t know what steps to take, whether you should take any, or even how you feel about yourself, goals, and desires anymore. 2020 changed everything for us and still even in an ever-changing 2021 we are all navigating these new beginnings and reset in our life. So take the time to get to know this new version of you, find out your interests, your passions, and what you feel drawn to right now as that’s always the best place to start. Take time to journal on the things that don’t align with you anymore or maybe the things you feel you do want to try in this new phase of your life.

It’s Okay To Change Your Mind

This leads me to it’s okay to change your mind! With the Law of Attraction so many people message me saying they feel bad or guilty that they no longer want what they put on their vision boards years ago. This is again very normal! As we up-level and grow as a person so do our visions and dreams. What we wanted five years ago is probably massively different from what we want here today and that’s okay. We are allowed to change direction, change our vision, and what’s no longer serving us. This is all part of the growing process and our journey here in this lifetime. So don’t feel guilty if what you want here in this new world is very different from how you were living your life two years ago. Everything has changed and we’ve been through a lot, so naturally, our priorities have been brought to the forefront and made us reevaluate what needed to change in our life.

Make A List Of Your Passions

If you’re still struggling to set goals or take the next steps after the above two steps then start small. Write a list of what your current passions are and what feels like fun. If you’re pivoting in your career for instance this is a great practice to do if you’re not sure what career or job you want to look at next. When you tune in to what sparks passion and fire within you currently, you will be lead to opportunities and experiences that will lead you closer and closer to your end goal. Plus who doesn’t need fun right now! New beginnings and next steps can feel quite serious sometimes especially if you don’t have a clear direction. The more fun you have in this process the quicker you’ll attract more fun and exciting opportunities and abundance to you!

“We are allowed to change direction, change our vision, and what’s no longer serving us. This is all part of the growing process and our journey here in this lifetime. Everything has changed and we’ve been through a lot, so naturally, our priorities have been brought to the forefront and made us reevaluate what needed to change in our life.”

Relax Into This Process

One step which is important is to relax into this process, it will unfold how it’s meant to and new beginnings, and finding your next steps can be an exciting and abundant time for you in many ways. So yes, it’s important to take inspired action which the above will help you to do but it’s also important that you relax into this process and know that we don’t always see the full staircase at the beginning. Think back to your spiritual awakening or when you last had a big reset in your life, you didn’t have all the answers or things didn’t feel completely clear but you still took steps forward, and over time the path became clearer. So trust that you’re doing enough also and that the Universe is here to help guide you too. The more you allow and receive the quicker the Universe can meet you halfway and help co-create this journey with you.

Use This New Beginning Energy To Manifest

Also, this is a great time to use this energy to manifest your desires. If you’ve had a big pivot in your life or you’ve just let something big go and are now like ‘What’s next?’. Use the steps above to help you feel clearer and set the manifesting wheels in motion. The energy can help you to manifest your next steps too if you’re still unsure, ask the Universe to guide you to your next steps or deliver a sign if that might help also. There are endless ways you can co-create with the Universe to utilise this new beginning energy to help bring clarity, next steps, or direction. But when nothing is certain anything is possible – so see this new phase as an exciting journey to abundance, miracles and your desires Queen!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post and it’s given you some great tips and tools to help you navigate this new beginning in your life and find your next steps! Don’t forget my brand NEW money and manifesting journal ‘The Positively Wealthy Journal’ is available to order now worldwide from anywhere that sells books! The Positively Wealthy Journal is a separate product but also linked to my bestselling book Positively Wealthy. It’s a money and Law of Attraction journal designed to be used over a 12-month period to help you manifest your financial and manifestation goals. When you order a copy you can also get my Manifesting & Abundance meditation worth £22 absolutely FREE! You can find out more information on the journal and how to order here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

The Positively Wealthy Journal by Emma Mumford

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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