I love this conversation because there are so many great and valid points to go alongside this topic. Within my 1:1 sessions and in the Manifestation Membership I’m very often asked whether the person should be aiming for bigger goals or if they’re keeping themselves small. So this week I wanted to bring this conversation to the blog and share my thoughts on this.

Being Clear

First of all, it’s really about being honest with yourself and getting clear. If you’re questioning whether you should be aiming higher or manifesting bigger than you probably should be. The truth is that everyone’s version of wealth or goals will be different as I talk about in my book Positively Wealthy only we can identify what our version of wealth is and if they are aligned. If a goal were aligned you wouldn’t question it because you know it feels aligned and it feels abundant for the stage of life you’re in. Over the years my goals and manifestations have changed and up levelled as I’ve grown and evolved. So there’s no harm in reflecting on your money and long-term goals every six months or a year to make sure they’re still in alignment and feel right for you in this stage of your life. It’s a really healthy practice to do as very often our desires will change over time and it’s important we are clear on our goals and in vision boards for example – so don’t be afraid to redo yours if you feel your vision has changed.

“As you uplevel and evolve you’ll find your goals will too and that’s a beautiful process of redefining what wealth and abundance mean to you. It also gives you an exciting opportunity to explore and learn about new abundance at new heights too. But if you’re happy with where you’re at currently and feel in alignment with your goals then celebrate this too we don’t always need to be reaching for more.”


This also comes down to self-worth and how worthy you feel of the next step up, that promotion, more money or whatever it is. If your current goals feel good and are in alignment then honour this but if you feel you should be reaching higher or that you hold yourself back then you’re probably right – look at what stops you from choosing more or manifesting more currently? Do you feel worthy and deserving of this higher goal? A lack of self-worth or any limiting beliefs or fears surrounding this may be keeping you small and manifesting what feels comfortable and safe rather than your true version of wealth and abundance. Not everyone will want to manifest the best of everything, promotions, more money etc but make sure that you’re also claiming your worth and what you want to achieve here in this lifetime. As you uplevel and evolve you’ll find your goals will too and that’s a beautiful process of redefining what wealth and abundance mean to you. It also gives you an exciting opportunity to explore and learn about new abundance at new heights too. But if you’re happy with where you’re at currently and feel in alignment with your goals then celebrate this too we don’t always need to be reaching for more.


Lastly, it’s all about your confidence too. Self-worth is one aspect but having the confidence to step up and claim bigger goals and desires takes confidence. I always look at increasing in increments if you don’t feel the next step is achievable just yet, whilst you can work towards this with time in order for the Law of Attraction to work there must be some level of belief there already. So build up, how can you break your new goal down into monthly manageable goals. For instance, if it’s money maybe increase your monthly goal by £500 for example then next month when you hit that increase it further. Apply this to whatever your goal may be and watch your belief grow with time and experience. A lot of the time building confidence alone is done with experience and getting yourself out there if however you have a limiting belief or block underneath this it may stop you from taking that action and believing you are worthy of that next step. Life is all about taking steps towards our goals and growing and expanding along the way, sometimes we can become too comfortable and stuck when we feel too scared to take that next step we need to when aiming for our goals. If this is you absolutely explore what is holding you back and you may even want to work with someone to help you uncover and release this.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can manifest bigger goals and dreams this week! Want to be a Queen with confidence this year? Don’t forget you can join me on the 17th November 2021 at 7pm GMT for my 90-minute ‘Stepping Into Your True Abundant Power’ Masterclass. Be an abundant Spiritual Queen with aligned self-worth in 90 minutes! Learn how to become truly abundant and step into your power this November. Over the 90 minutes, Emma will be guiding you through her proven processes to cultivate an optimum abundance mindset through powerful meditations, teachings and practical tools that you’ll be able to implement and manifest self-worth, confidence and abundance with straight away! You’ll also have the opportunity to ask me your burning questions and receive live support and tips! If you’d like to join us then click here and say YASS to empowered abundance and confidence today! As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx


Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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