With the colder winter nights rolling in here in the northern hemisphere this time of year can always feel heavier due to the astrology coming up but also as we may feel naturally more unmotivated than usual and feel our moods fluctuate with the weather and seasons. So this week I wanted to share a post with you all on how you can cultivate more joy, magic, and happiness this Autumn.


First of all, be honest with yourself and look at how much joy you’re experiencing each day? For me recently I realised that I had let this slip a bit and didn’t feel as much joy as I did back in the summer when I was out constantly doing things. Work had taken the focus and I wasn’t creating the space for joy each week and to honour what my inner child wants to do for fun either. It’s so important that we give ourselves that gentle reminder each week to spend quality time with ourselves and loved ones whether that be a fun activity or a self-care routine etc. Make the time each and every week to spend time away from technology and in nature or cultivate whatever fun and joy means to you and your inner child. Creating more moments of joy in your daily habits means that you will feel more joy and happiness overall and lift your spirit when the weather is gloomy outside.


Next, it’s time to create some manifesting magic in your life. When we feel unmotivated and more inwards in the winter months this can also affect our manifestations. Looking over your yearly goals and vision board can help you to see what action needs to be taken over the remaining months of this year. What can you action or work towards over the coming months? Creating magic and abundance in your life takes intention and energy too – so even if you just start off by setting some intentions for the day to feel better or experience joy then start off with this. Eventually, you can then look at your bigger plans and goals and work towards these when it feels right. Take the time to focus on your vibration and make sure you feel present, joyful and happy here and now as this will help boost your vibration and attract abundance to you.

“Your happiness is in your hands and you have the power through awareness and action to create powerful shifts this Autumn and experience more joy and magic. All it takes is for you to be honest with what’s not working or serving you currently and then lean into more joy and happiness in your day to day life.”


Finally, let’s look at happiness and how much joy and happiness you’re experiencing day to day? Like joy, happiness can be found among our daily habits and the small things. Think about this today – where in your life do you currently don’t feel happy? Where could you cultivate more joy and happiness? Identify what’s not feeling good and commit to making the changes needed to create a shift and change within these areas. Your happiness is in your hands and you have the power through awareness and action to create powerful shifts this Autumn and experience more joy and magic. All it takes is for you to be honest with what’s not working or serving you currently and then lean into more joy and happiness in your day to day life. For me, it was committing to more off-screen/no technology time so I had time to do the things that brought joy and happiness but this will look different for everyone. So identify what it is that needs shifting and take action today!

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can create more joy and magic in your life this week! Want to be a Queen with confidence this year? Don’t forget you can join me on the 17th November 2021 at 7pm GMT for my 90-minute ‘Stepping Into Your True Abudant Power’ Masterclass. Be an abundant Spiritual Queen with aligned self-worth in 90 minutes! Learn how to become truly abundant and step into your power this November. Over the 90 minutes, Emma will be guiding you through her proven processes to cultivate an optimum abundance mindset through powerful meditations, teachings and practical tools that you’ll be able to implement and manifest self-worth, confidence and abundance with straight away! You’ll also have the opportunity to ask me your burning questions and receive live support and tips! If you’d like to join us then click here and say YASS to empowered abundance and confidence today! As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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