You may have heard me talk about Inner Child work before here on the blog, podcast, videos, and even in my books. Inner Child work is one of the most transformative things I’ve done along my spiritual journey and I’m super passionate about sharing this with you all too. So this week I wanted to create a fun blog post about why manifesting with your Inner Child works.

I’ve worked with my Inner Child for over four years now and have also helped hundreds of clients meet, heal and transform with theirs too. I saw how much this work had transformed my life and decided to qualify as an Inner Child work practitioner a few years ago, to be able to bring this work to my clients and then launched my Inner Child Joy course also last year which was a sell-out success. Inner Child work can be used for many aspects of our lives and is the most effective and efficient tool I’ve found in myself and clients to heal limiting beliefs, fears, and trauma. You can see shifts quickly with this work too which is why it’s always my go-to tool.

So although you may be familiar with Inner Child work being used on the inner work you can also manifest with your Inner Child too! I have found this to be a fun and rewarding experience and want to share this with you too. I also have a FREE 5-day Creative Manifesting with Your Inner Child challenge starting on the 29th of March so scroll down to the bottom of this post to find the link to join us. In the challenge, I’ll be taking things much deeper and giving you tools, practices, and meditations each day to help you manifest abundance with your Inner Child. So how can you get started with this before the challenge? Well, let’s jump in…

Manifest With Your Inner Child

First of all, this may seem like a simple set given the title of this blog post but I want you to consciously invite your Inner Child into the manifesting process. You might want to visualise together, create or paint a vision board together, have a dance party together and think about your desires. Tune in to that younger version of yourself and see how you can both co-create with the Universe this week. You could even both write a letter to the Universe about what you’d like to call in this week. If you’re struggling to connect to your Inner Child then please do come along to my challenge as I’ll be guiding you all to connect with your Inner Child properly and receive clear communication.

“As we know fun and joy is the energy that attracts abundance, so the more fun you can have along the manifesting process with your Inner Child, the happier and at peace you’ll feel and it will feel fun too!”

Why Does It Work?

This method works so well with manifesting because for one we’re honoring that childlike version of ourselves who wants to be seen and heard because they too have desires. But secondly, this works so well because you’re inviting in the energy of fun, joy, and that childlike energy of magic. Think back to when you were a child and how magical everything seemed to be, as we grew up we had to be serious and shut off to that ‘spiritual’ side of ourselves. So manifesting with your Inner Child invites back in that carefree magical energy. As we know fun and joy is the energy that attracts abundance, so the more fun you can have along the manifesting process with your Inner Child, the happier and at peace you’ll feel and it will feel fun too!

Give It a Try

It may seem silly to you at first these suggestions, but this is just your adult mind resisting the very work it knows it needs to do. Life can be serious and this is the ultimate mood killer for our Inner Child especially when we don’t play often enough and let our hair done. Life is meant to be fun, carefree, and magical you just have to give yourself permission to explore this childlike energy again. I’ve found manifesting with my Inner Child one of the most effective and healing ways to manifest. It’s important we give that little version of ourselves love, affection, and our time regularly. So this week challenge yourself to connect and manifest with your Inner Child and see what happens. See what magic, miracles, and shifts you and your Inner Child can create together!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post and it’s given you some great tips and tools to help you manifest with your Inner Child. This week I have some exciting news as my 5-day FREE Creative Manifesting with Your Inner Child challenge is starting on the 29th of March! Join me from the 29th March – 2nd April to take this work even deeper with daily challenges, tools, and meditations you can keep designed to help you create abundance with your Inner Child! You can find out more information and join the FREE challenge here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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