With freedom day upon us here in the UK and many worldwide changes going on currently a common theme I’m hearing at the moment is the feeling of being disconnected and anxious in this new world. So much keeps changing month to month and as empath’s we feel it all. Over the last year and a half a lot has changed for us all and it’s only normal we’d feel anxiety, fear, or even trauma after all that’s played out in the collective. So this week I really wanted to create this post for those of you who are feeling disconnected from yourself and are feeling the pressure of the world right now.


First of all stop. Stop and slow down most of us have been working flat out since the first lockdown last year so give yourself permission to rest and take time off. Are you fully resting and listening to your body? A great way to reconnect back to yourself if you’re feeling shaken is to take an Epsom salt bath these are my go-to’s and help me ground back into my body. Taking a bubble bath is also a great way to relax and give yourself some much-needed you time. So with freedom day upon us, I know many are feeling the pressure to be social butterflies again and remerge into the world – but take your time. The last year and a half has been a lot so go at your own pace. Make self-care a priority and make sure you’re looking after yourself first and foremost. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious this is also the perfect opportunity to schedule out time to relax, unwind and focus on yourself.


There’s something about nature that always brings us back to the present moment and allows us to feel safe. In order to reconnect to yourself you must be in your body and present – so taking the time to wander into nature and submerge yourself in Mumma Earth could be the very medicine you need right now. With so much stress and change surrounding us currently the slower we can become the more intentional we can be with ourselves. Feeling connected to yourself helps your mental health, your wellbeing, and your productivity too. If you’ve been feeling unsettled and unmotivated recently then take time to nurture yourself first to realign back to the productivity the Universe wants you to be doing right now. We are cyclical beings so we can’t always be high performers and achieving all year round. The last few years have been heavy and we’ve all been doing the best we can with what we have. Give yourself permission to go inwards, rest, realign and reprioritise what’s important to you here and now.

“There’s something about nature that always brings us back to the present moment and allows us to feel safe. In order to reconnect to yourself you must be in your body and present – so taking the time to wander into nature and submerge yourself in Mumma Earth could be the very medicine you need right now. With so much stress and change surrounding us currently the slower we can become the more intentional we can be with ourselves.”


Finally, joy is the ultimate creator. In order to be able to connect back to ourselves, we need to be able to experience joy in the present moment. So this week give yourself permission to experience joy and fun. Connect to your inner child – what would they like to do this week for fun with you? Schedule out time if need be to switch off your phone and any distractions and allow yourself to be fully present with whatever will bring you fun and joy this week. Whatever you feel you need to complete this week can wait, when you allow yourself to experience fun and joy you’ll find yourself more naturally inspired and motivated. So ask yourself what will spark joy for you this week?

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can reconnect back to yourself this week. Don’t forget the doors to my Manifestation Membership are open for the next week! The membership launched 18 months ago now which means when you sign-up you get instant access to over 18 months worth of topics and content. The membership is an affordable and accessible group coaching setting where you get monthly live moon circles and coaching sessions with myself, as well as industry expert live circles, workbooks, meditations, videos, downloadable content and much more each and every month! If you’d like to find out more information and what’s included then you can find everything by clicking here and also how you can sign up. Join me and make 2021 a year filled with magic and manifestation! I can’t wait to see you in there Queen and help you manifest your dreams this year. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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