Feeling triggered or experiencing intense emotions can creep up on us at any time and when they hit it can be diffcult to simply snap out of it and feel positive again. So this week I wanted to create a post for you that will help you navigate these emotions when they arise and what you can do to raise your vibes easily and effortlessly.

Feel In Order To Heal

First up we must feel in order to heal, there is no other way around it you must allow yourself to feel your emotions and witness what is coming up to the surface. What emotions are coming up for you and how is it making you feel? A great thing to do when feeling triggered is to journal down your emotions and feelings. You could also rate it on a scale of 1-10 (1 being not very intense and 10 being very intense) so that you can track your feelings and document your progress. Placing a hand on your chest and breathing deeply into your chest is a great way to feel and allow yourself to regulate your breath and body – don’t underestimate the power of breath when it comes to feeling triggered and anxious. Our breath is our biggest tool to come back to the present moment and regulate our breath and emotions. Many panic that feeling or witnessing emotions or fears will mean you manifest them to you – this is not true at all and is not helping anyone. We have thousands of thoughts each day and not every single one of them manifest so trust in yourself and the Universe’s protection with this. It’s perfectly okay to witness how you feel and acknowlege you’re not okay.


Next, it’s time to look at a healthy relief instead of the unhealthy ones that make us feel even worse after. A great way to find relief when triggered or anxious with emotions is to do some EFT (Tapping) – Emotional Freedom Technique is a great way to shift intense emotions and energy quickly. I love following Brad Yates on YouTube for free and accessible videos – Brad has a video for just about any emotion you can think of including raising your vibes/energy so definitely turn to these when you’re in need of relief. Journaling can be a great way to also bring about practical relief, start off by asking yourself – ‘What relief do I need right now?’ this will help you identify what it is you’re seeking relief-wise. I would also suggest finding ways to ground back into your body this could be through connecting to nature, meditating, breathwork, dancing, or any way you feel you can get present and into your body more. Sometimes talking to a friend can really help too – remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Turn to your soul sisters and allow yourself to be held too. How can you start to see this from a different perspective? If your friend came to you with this problem what would you advise them? It’s also important to check in with your Inner Child during intense emotions to see how they’re feeling and to see what they are contributing to this too – ask them how they are feeling today and what you can do to support them. Also, reassure them in a way you would to your own child or a small child you know. I have meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect to your Inner Child and also blog posts here on my website for more information.

“Allow the emotions to flow through you with ease and trust in the process. Healing is not linear and when we get triggered with emotions or events we need to give ourselves the gift of patience, self-love, and loving movement to raise our vibes.”

Get Moving

Finally, it’s time to get moving! Once you have taken positive action to feel some relief it’s time to allow this energy to flow through you. If you sit the energy stagnates and has nowhere to go so moving in whatever way feels good to you is essential. Whether this is through dance, going on a walk, yoga, pilates or any other gentle loving movement. Pick something that feels the most loving to you and your body and trust in this. Allow the emotions to flow through you with ease and trust in the process. Healing is not linear and when we get triggered with emotions or events we need to give ourselves the gift of patience, self-love, and loving movement to raise our vibes.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can reconnect back to yourself and raise your vibes when feeling triggered by intense emotions. Don’t forget the doors to my Manifestation Membership are open for the next week! The membership launched 18 months ago now which means when you sign-up you get instant access to over 18 months worth of topics and content. The membership is an affordable and accessible group coaching setting where you get monthly live moon circles and coaching sessions with myself, as well as industry expert live circles, workbooks, meditations, videos, downloadable content and much more each and every month! If you’d like to find out more information and what’s included then you can find everything by clicking here and also how you can sign up. Join me and make 2021 a year filled with magic and manifestation! I can’t wait to see you in there Queen and help you manifest your dreams this year. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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