This year has certainly been an interesting one and we’re only halfway through it! We had grand plans and our manifestations set but the reality has been five months of standstill, deep inner work, the world-changing forever and learning a new way of life. The lessons we’ve learned throughout lockdown and this experience will stay with us for life, but today I wanted to discuss with you whether your manifestations can still happen this year.

Now don’t get me wrong Queen the Universe is always listening and the Law of Attraction is always working whether we’re in a pandemic or not. You may have even noticed manifestations have still flowed into your life over the last few months. As we navigate these uncertain times and learn a new way of living nothing about this time has been ‘normal’ or allowed us to focus on our goals for this year. For many even manifestations like holidays, weddings, events etc have all been postponed or cancelled and it may feel like your manifestations aren’t going to happen because of these delays. So really what I think we need to focus on over the next five months is manifesting in a new way to meet the new world we find ourselves in.

I’m not talking about a fancy new technique that I’ve learned during lockdown but what I have reminded myself of is the power of flowing with your manifestations. Right now we are exactly where we’re meant to be and it’s important to remember that everything will happen in its own timing. So this doesn’t mean that your manifestation won’t happen it’s the Universe challenging you to see this delay through a new perspective. What if when your desire does happen it’s even more perfectly timed than before? There are so many reasons why delays are working in your favour so if a physical manifestation has been delayed for you this year know that it doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen it’s simply the Universe saying – do you trust me?

“Sometimes it can feel like we’re going backwards and I think 2020 has made us feel like this especially with goals, plans, and manifestations but remember Queen just like when a planet goes retrograde. It appears to be going backwards but in reality, it isn’t. Just like an arrow sometimes we have to be pulled backward to be shot forwards.”

If on the other hand, you’re still waiting to see the physical manifestation appear in your life and feel it’s harder now due to lockdown, delays, external circumstances etc I challenge you to go within and ask yourself how it feels to trust this process? How does it feel to let go of your grip a little and feel into flow? Instead of focusing your energy on this desire could you focus it on manifestations that do feel achievable at this stage? Sometimes when we focus our attention and energy elsewhere this is exactly what we need in order to ‘let go and surrender’ and to allow the Universe to get to work. Really the word of 2020 is surrender, surrender everything you thought you knew about this year and allow whatever is meant to come our way. I really don’t want this to sound all doom or gloom because it’s not miracles happen every single day but we what we need to change is our outlook on this year. Not all is lost we have 5 months left now to still manifest and enjoy this year.

Sometimes it can feel like we’re going backwards and I think 2020 has made us feel like this especially with goals, plans, and manifestations but remember Queen just like when a planet goes retrograde. It appears to be going backwards but in reality, it isn’t. Just like an arrow sometimes we have to be pulled backward to be shot forwards, at the time it feels like we’re going backwards but again sometimes we need that inner ‘pulling back’ time to be able to move forwards. So change the way you see this year and the see things start to change around you. What do you feel drawn to working with at the moment? What off your goals list is still achievable and doable this year? I think another reason why people have felt frustrated with this year is that it feels like time wasted and we get impatient but remember nothing before it’s time. There is always enough time and again it’s integrating that flow and surrender for the rest of the year, we may not know what’s going to happen but whatever does will be for our highest good.

So to summarise, yes I do believe it’s still possible to manifest your desires this year but check-in with yourself here and see whether you feel a need to achieve it or attachment as that will be mirrored back to you by the Law of Attraction too. This week I have super exciting announcement for any budding authors out there. My new 6-week author programme is stating on the 27th July 2020 and is called ‘Soulful Writing, Pitching & Marketing Your Book’ where I’ll be walking you through each step of the writing and publishing process and will be helping you birth your book baby into the world. You also have the EXCLUSIVE opportunity through my programme to pitch your book proposal to two leading publishing houses which is not offered anywhere else! So if you feel like this is for you Queen then you can find out all the information here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a safe and nurturing week whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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