Believing in ourselves and feeling empowered is certainly a feeling we all want to feel 100% of the time. The reality is that we don’t always feel like the empowered badass Queen we know we can be for various reasons. So that’s why this week I wanted to explore this with you and help you to feel more empowered and confident in yourself consistently.

Solar Plexus

First of all, it’s important to check in with your solar plexus because this is our power hub! This is your yellow coloured chakra located at the top of your stomach (just under you boobs). This is our inner roar and when it’s unbalanced it means we could be giving our power away, feeling disempowered and not stepping into our powerful shoes. An unbalanced solar plexus could manifest as fatigue, IBS, overeating, stomach issues and bloating. Ways to balance this powerful chakra are to work with crystals (citrine is a manifesting crystal and is yellow in colour so represents the solar plexus). You could do some Reiki with your crystal, meditate with your crystal or ask for its help to balance this chakra. I would also advise doing a regular visualisation where you see a bright yellow light on your solar plexus and see this light circulate in a clockwise motion to help balance it. I would also suggest repeating empowering affirmations and you could even find a guided solar plexus meditation on YouTube if you’d like to try one.

Reclaiming Your Power

This is also such an important step in feeling empowered and confident in yourself. There are many ways to reclaim your power through physical actions and also with intention. Start your day off by repeating the affirmation ‘I reclaim my power and call back all of the lost pieces of myself’. It’s important to say this affirmation regularly as we often give our power away in small and large ways daily without sometimes consciously knowing. I would also recommend doing this EFT ‘tapping’ video from Brad Yates (click here). If you haven’t done EFT before then this video may look a little strange to you but it’s a fab way to embody confidence and reclaim your power today Queen so give it a go!

“When you implement loving boundaries in all areas of your life, you take back your power, honour your solar plexus and ignite that confidence and empowerment within you.”

Loving Boundaries

The next tip on our list it to create loving boundaries with yourself and others. Are you giving away your power to others? Are you accepting behaviour which is disempowering you or maybe you’re allowing people to take your time and energy which should be spent on your own self-love and self-care? There are many ways we give away our power and it’s super important to keep implementing loving boundaries with our own work/personal life balance and boundaries with others. If something’s not feeling good it’s your time to honour your solar plexus and speak up with confidence. A great tip I have when deciding whether you should do something for someone else or make plans etc is to ask yourself is it a hell YASS or a hell no? If it’s a straight up hell YASS then you have your answer, if you pause or you’re not sure then it’s a hell no or take the day to think about it and see how you feel later on. When you implement loving boundaries in all areas of your life, you take back your power, honour your solar plexus and ignite that confidence and empowerment within you.


Self-love nicely ties into loving boundaries as well, are you taking time out each week for self-love? Be honest with yourself here as this honesty will allow you to identify where this lack in confidence or empowerment may be coming from. Make sure each week that you’re dedicating time to yourself, your self-love practice and are celebrating yourself, your uniqueness and of course your gorgeous body too. When we dedicate time to to self-love and self-care we embody more of our fierce Queen energy because we’re filling our own cup and prioritising our needs.

I hope this blog post has really served you and given you some great tips on how you can feel more confident and empowered this week and moving forwards. Don’t forget my NEW book Positively Wealthy is out now and available to buy worldwide! Positively Wealthy is a 33-day guide to manifesting sustainable wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. When you order a copy you can also get a FREE 90-minute Manifestation Masterclass worth £33 absolutely FREE on wealth and finding fulfilment in the now. You can find out more information on the book and how to order here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a safe and nurturing week whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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