This week there seems to be a theme once again even after the Autumn equinox of allowing the past to fall away as we navigate these new times in 2020. After so many reflective client and author calls this week of how far we’ve all come in such a short amount of time, I felt called to write a post this week on what happens when we truly let go?

So many people including myself struggle to truly let go and surrender which is of course is one of the key steps in the Law of Attraction process. We can also hold on to energetic, emotional, and physical baggage too which also stops us from letting go and surrendering. 2020 has been a massive year which no one will ever forget, and one that has required us to dig deep, shed, awaken and look at our lives and what we’ve been doing up until this point. So much has changed for every single person as we leave behind the old ways and welcome in a new reality. I look at my life as I entered into this year I thought 2020 was going to be the year and for many reasons, it certainly has been but it’s also felt like a shedding of many layers and never did I imagine my life would look like this but I’m so glad it does – the Universe knew what it was doing even if it wasn’t how I thought things should look.

Letting go of all we’ve experienced personally and collectively this year feels like a recurring theme now, I think we can all agree it’s a constant balance of flowing, surrendering, and allowing. I feel like I’ve jumped so far forwards sometimes and think wow I’ve really done all of this since March and look how different my life looks now – but 2020 gave me the opportunity to do all of this and the space for divine intervention too. That all came with the willingness to let go and surrender to a plan greater than mine. Letting go can happen in many ways but it always starts with the willingness to step aside and trust in something greater than your plan. This or something better for the highest good of all. That’s why I always say there is no quick way or cheat sheet to this it must be authentic and a process you lean into. Sometimes it’s petrifying letting something so familiar go after such a long time but think about it. Think back to any times from your past where you’ve let something big or small go in your life and let it fall away. Does it still feel like a big hole in your life or did the Universe uplevel it for the highest good? Nothing is ever lost everything is merely transformed, I can’t remember where I first heard this quote but it’s one I remind myself of when letting go and surrendering has felt painful.

“Letting go can happen in many ways but it always starts with the willingness to step aside and trust in something greater than your plan. This or something better for the highest good of all. That’s why I always say there is no quick way or cheat sheet to this it must be authentic and a process you lean into.”

So what does happen when you truly let go and surrender? You create the space. You create the space for miracles, for shifts, for new beginnings, and for the up levelling. Think about it like your house, how can you fit any shiny brand new up levelled items in there if you’re hoarding lots of things already. This is all energy remember so whether it’s a manifestation, new beginning, or whatever it is you’re hoping for. It’s going to require you to take a leap of faith into the unknown and create that space. This is the journey of life and lessons we’ve come here to learn and no matter how intuitive we are, sometimes we have to take that leap blindly and know that everything will always work out for the highest good of all.

When we truly allow ourselves to let go, flow, and be present we allow the Universe to show us the next step as we’re no longer trying to control or force a certain vision we get back into our centre and soul space. Letting go is not giving up entirely, but sometimes we actually do need to give up, not on the end goal, but the way we thought life would pan out. Things are constantly shifting and changing and we are all learning to navigate this continuous change too. If we had all of the answers then you and I wouldn’t be sat here as we’d have it all figured out, but again that’s not the purpose of life or why we’re here. Ask yourself what would it feel like to stay present and not know an outcome? If that feels scary ask yourself why does it feel scary? What fear is coming up to the surface? The present moment is a very special place where we can find peace and contentment but staying there and not future tripping can again be the journey and a reminder to keep checking in with this. There are many gifts that letting go and surrendeing can bring and one of those is new beginnings, if you want your manifestations then a new beginning needs to happen which normally comes after a period of letting go and shedding in some form. You have the power Queen to shift your life, create your reality, and say YASS to your dreams but that all has to start off with taking a big leap of faith and trusting in yourself and in the process. Whilst flowing into that surrendered state and knowing that nothing can ever truly be lost only transformed into something bigger and better for the highest good of all.

I hope this blog post has helped you and has given you some motivation this week to keep letting go and trusting in the Universe’s plan. Also this week I have a super exciting announcement for you all. Queen, do you want to live a life free of limiting beliefs, fears, and blocks? Are you ready to clear the way to abundance and manifest fun, joy, and your desires into your life? If so my new 6-week Inner Child Joy programme is stating on the 5th October 2020. I’ll be teaching you how to meet, heal, and transform with your Inner Child. The Inner Child I believe is the secret to unlocking true fulfillment in your adult life and this is why I’m so passionate about bringing this course to you all. So if you feel like this is for you Queen then you can find out all the information here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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