This morning I received some incredible news which left me crying happy tears of course and reflecting upon the seven years I’ve been self-employed and also my personal goals too. After feeling like a grateful mushy mess this morning I felt like this blog post would help someone along their very own journey to never give up on their dreams.

So what do I mean by this? Well, I’m talking about books! I knew from a very young age I’d be an author. I had no idea what I’d write and honestly when starting my couponing business seven years ago could barely string a blog post together. I’ve always struggled with grammar and writing so presumed I’d have a ghostwriter, which actually never happened! When pitching my first book Spiritual Queen back in 2017/18 I had heaps of rejections full of various reasons which never felt valid (I’m sure they were but they never made sense to me!) Anyway, Spiritual Queen was released back in January 2019 by That Guy’s House a hybrid publisher who I’d class as family, I’ve done two years of author mentoring for them too and my first book baby came into the world exactly how it was meant to. Next came Positively Wealthy in March 2019 and again the long process of pitching began. Once again I received rejection upon rejection from traditional publishers until I accepted that I loved That Guy’s House and my message was unique so maybe that’s why it had to come out a different way. All along this process I kept having big downloads from the Universe that this book had to be distributed properly this time as it was going to do way better than my first book. I kept taking inspired action and helping my first publisher source better distribution into bookstores but as hard as we tried we both agreed the risk and costs were too much for us both. So that day back in September last year I asked my angels ‘Angels I know you want this book to be traditionally published and have good distribution please help me I don’t know what else I can do?’. Three hours later Anya from Watkins dropped me an email introducing herself and asking whether I’d like to write a book for them on money and the Law of Attraction. Well, isn’t that funny because I had an entire completed manuscript ready to go just on that!

Fast forward along the process after Sean from That Guy’s House gave me his full support to sign with Watkins back in November last year here we are September 2020 and the book is finally released into the world through better distribution! I knew this book had a message that needed to be heard but what has happened since has blown my mind. Not only has the book sold over half it’s stockpile (print run) in only 13 days (normally if you sell 1/3 of that quantity in a year it’s a success), but it’s also Watkins number one performing title in book sales AND has been a continious #1 Amazon bestseller since it launched. On top of that incredible news, it’s also been shortlisted in the Creative Impact Co 2020 Awards under ‘Best Book’! I never ever expected such a big response like this and certainly not within 13 days of the book’s launch! So I want to take this opportunity to thank EVERY single one of you who has purchased a book, supported the launch, for your messages, posts, reviews the lot – I feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing Spiritual Queen community like you! This is why I wanted to share this story with you because Queen, there were so many times I should have quit, accepted that I wasn’t a good enough writer, or wasn’t ‘established’ enough in the spiritual sphere, or that my book concepts weren’t good enough and that’s why I got countless rejections and no offers. But deep down in my soul I knew it would happen and I just had to keep believing and asking the Universe for help.

“I always go into shock mode when a big manifestation happens or my intuition is spot on, because I guess I have to pinch myself sometimes and be like YASS we all really can manifest anything we put our minds to and the Universe is always guiding us even when we can’t see the road ahead.”

You are truly capable of doing anything. Look at me for example I failed my Maths GCSE three times and still to this day don’t have one yet I’ve been a banker, money-saving expert, a business owner and now I’ve written a best selling book on money and wealth! Never in my life did I think I’d be able to do any of this, I also didn’t go to University as I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do. What has got me here is a knowing, a determination to follow my intuition, and to help others. I always go into shock mode when a big manifestation happens or my intuition is spot on, because I guess I have to pinch myself sometimes and be like YASS we all really can manifest anything we put our minds to and the Universe is always guiding us even when we can’t see the road ahead.

What feels truly special to me is that Positively Wealthy was written during such a transformational time in my life, I needed that book and even without it ever being published I am eternally grateful for all the abundance and love it’s brought into my life. So to see my pain, healing, lessons, and transformation now helping others manifest and lead happy lives too is the best feeling in the world. So listen to your intuition it always knows the way Queen and never give up on your dreams. Anything is possible, all we have to do is surrender the attachment and be open to solutions from the Universe. Everything is lining up for you Queen and here and now enjoy where you’re at. Take a moment to think of all the incredible things that have happened in your life already and keep going. You’ve got this! I believe in you and I hope this book is hope for you that whatever your heart desires will happen. Always. The Universe is always listening and if I can do this so can you. So please never give up because one day I hope you’ll be writing a post like to tell your community or even your loved ones that it happened because you never gave up.

I hope this blog post has helped you and has given you some motivation this week to keep going and to trust your intuition! Also this week I have a super exciting announcement for you all. Queen, do you want to live a life free of limiting beliefs, fears, and blocks? Are you ready to clear the way to abundance and manifest fun, joy, and your desires into your life? If so my new 6-week Inner Child Joy programme is stating on the 5th October 2020. I’ll be teaching you how to meet, heal, and transform with your Inner Child. The Inner Child I believe is the secret to unlocking true fulfillment in your adult life and this is why I’m so passionate about bringing this course to you all. So if you feel like this is for you Queen then you can find out all the information here. As always please do let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comments section down below. I hope you have a positive and abundant week whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love xx

Emma xx
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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