It’s that time of year once again when we are supposed to show the world how much we love our significant other – I mean why not show it every day? I wanted to create this blog post this week as some will find this day particularly hard if you’re single or whatever the circumstance. I want YOU to feel loved this Valentine’s Day no matter what your circumstance so here are my top tips…

For  The Couples

I always feel like there’s a lot of pressure around gifts, extravagant meals or to declare how much you love your partner online on Valentine’s Day. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that so please if that’s your style carry on Queen, but for most of us, it leaves us feeling like we have something to prove to the world. I love nothing more than receiving a heartfelt card and some flowers, even if I did nothing someone’s time and effort means far more to me than gifts. I don’t personally see Valentine’s Day as a special day I just see it as a day that I can make my partner feel special. Equally, we need to make sure that we’re filling our own self-love cup at the same time. You do what’s right for you as a couple and never feel pressured to declare your love online – everyone is different and it’s more important that your partner feels your love rather than your friends and family. Make this day about you two and celebrating all of life’s little wins, be grateful for the happy times and the lessons you’ve learnt this year, but most importantly make sure you show your partner and yourself this love every day of the year.

For All My Single Queen’s

Valentine’s Day can suck when you’re single – but it doesn’t have to! I used to book dates with my single friends so we could all be together and we’d go and watch the new 50 Shades film which was all I really cared about doing on Valentine’s Day. If you can’t do this then make sure you spend the day or evening loving yo’ self! Put on your favourite movie, pamper yourself, do something fun or whatever would be the most loving thing – do that. It can be hard seeing happy couple’s online so whenever you feel the comparison creeping in simply say ‘Good for you and the same for me’ a great little affirmation I learnt from my comparison coach friend Lucy Sheridan. Buy yourself a card, and write in there all the things you love about yourself, buy yourself flowers, cook yourself a meal. A partner doesn’t need to do this for you, you’ve got your own back Queen. Shower yourself in self-love and remember when you’re in love with yourself the perfect partner will come along when you least suspect it.

For the Twin Flames

I felt like Twin Flame’s needed their own section just like a Facebook relationship status because ‘it’s complicated’ doesn’t quite cut it sometimes. I, first of all, want to say this is all about your inner journey, as hard as the journey may be so far the only control you have is over how you feel in this moment. In my personal experience working on my self-love, not sweating the small stuff and trusting was the best thing I could do during this process. Listening to my intuition and no one else was vital as once I shut out the outside noise and opinions out I was able to navigate using my inner peace and stillness. Trust this process because only greatness awaits you whether it’s with them or someone even better. You’ll smile again, you’ll love again, you will look back on this period and see how far you’ve come and how strong you are Queen. So go within, check in with yourself and ask what do I need right now? What can I do for myself right now? Don’t let your twin be the catalyst for your happiness – become happy and joyous in yourself and your twin will mirror this. Allow the process to unfold as it’s meant to, just know that the sun always shines again and you are so loved.

Here Are Some Self-Love Affirmations To Help

I am love and I love to give love

I love myself and allow others to love me

Thank you Universe for the love that is coming to me

I am worthy and deserving of love and respect

I radiate love and love surrounds me

My partner and I are both happy and in love. Our relationship is joyous

No matter what you do next week just remember let’s celebrate love every day. Remember to fill your own cup also and don’t let a day created by card companies dictate how you feel. You can choose to feel good at any moment and choose to love life exactly how it is right now. Sending you all lots of love and positive vibes I hope you have a great week whatever you are up to. Don’t forget you can buy my Spiritual Queen worldwide now Lots of love xx

Emma xx
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WHAT 2018 HAS TAUGHT ME - Emma Mumford
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Emma Mumford ‘a.k.a Spiritual Queen

Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, Law of Attraction YouTuber, speaker and 2x bestselling author! She is also the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma’s second book ‘Positively Wealthy’ is out now on Amazon and in bookstores worldwide.

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